The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies
The DPS Made the List: The Fastest Growing Companies

Turn Your Brand
into a Lifestyle



Our brand and product experts combine soft goods with strategy to create custom auxiliary items that are a true representation of all that your brand stands for.

Available for:

  • Bags & Organizers
  • Apparel & Accessories
  • Beauty Tools
  • Home Goods
  • & More

Why Merch?

In today’s world, brands are more than their products—they become a part of their consumers’ lifestyle and identity.

From tote bags to tools that enhance your product’s benefits, soft goods can help expand your brand into every facet of your customers’ lives, acting as grassroots marketing, boosting sales, enhancing loyalty, and building your brand into cult status.


Custom Crafted for You

From your vision to your values, your budget to your timeline, we take all the key factors into consideration when creating new products for your brand.

Considerations Include:

  • Strategic Consulting

    We take your ideas to the next level with in-depth knowledge of your brand—and all the possibilities to bring your vision to life.


  • Concept Design

    Our strategic design team captures the best of form and function, ensuring no detail goes overlooked.

  • Product Manufacturing

    Our comprehensive team offers 360º support for every piece of your product offering, streamlining the process for you.

Our Approach
to Soft Goods

We take a holistic approach to each project, considering the balance between your brand and unlimited product possibilities to create a piece that brings your business to the next level. And we’ll make the process seamless for you, too.

Services Include:

  • Strategic Consulting

    We take your ideas to the next level with in-depth knowledge of your brand—and all the possibilities to bring your vision to life.

  • Concept Design

    Our strategic design team captures the best of form and function, ensuring no detail goes overlooked.

  • Product Manufacturing

    Our comprehensive team offers 360º support for every piece of your product offering, streamlining the process for you.